Remove BIAB


  • File
  • goat's leg
  • Foil
  • Alcohol (70%)/Acetone
  • Cuticle oil
  • Cotton pads
  1. Start by filing the BIAB. Make sure you only remove the BIAB, otherwise you could damage your natural nails.
  2. Dip the acetone in the cotton pads. You don't have to be stingy with the acetone, the cotton pads should be soaked. Wrap the cotton pads around the nail and let them 'soak' for about 15 minutes.
  3. As an extra step, you can also wrap foil around the cotton pads. This will wrap the cotton pads more firmly around your nail. Also with foil, let the nails soak for about 15 minutes.
  4. The 15 minutes are up and now you use a (metal) hoof stick to scrape off the remaining BIAB.
  5. The BIAB is removed, but we still recommend washing your hands to remove any remaining BIAB. Finally, use the cuticle oil to maintain the health of your cuticles.

If you have any questions and/or comments, please contact us. SHATY is always ready to provide you with the most beautiful nails!
