What is better? BIAB or Gel Polish?

You are looking for the right nail product for your nails, but are hesitating between BIAB and Gellak. It is important to know exactly what both products are, so that it is clear what the real difference is between these two nail products.


BIAB stands for "Builder In A Bottle." It is a nail product that stands for nail growth and nail strengthening. With BIAB you get the flexibility of Gel Polish and the strength of Acrylic. BIAB is a perfect nail product if you are looking for naturalness and want to keep your nails in good condition.

BIAB strengthens and promotes the health of the nails. Your nail is nourished, so to speak, making it stronger, but also growing. Do you want to keep your nails healthy and enjoy a shiny manicure? Then BIAB is the ideal option.

Gel polish

Gel polish is nail polish, but then on a gel basis. It is less thick than BIAB, but thicker than nail polish. The advantage of Gel polish is that it stays on the nails much longer than nail polish. With Gel polish, a UV LED lamp is used for this.

What are the differences?

The biggest difference between BIAB and Gel Polish is the strength of the product. They are both strong products, but BIAB is more flexible, which means there is less chance of breakage or cracking and your nails stay shiny for longer. In addition, BIAB has a thicker substance than Gel Polish.

What are the pros and cons of gel polish?

Gel polish benefits

  • Gel polish is flexible and bends with your own nail, but also provides strength.
  • Gel polish gives a shiny and natural result.
  • Gel polish is easy to apply and not harmful to natural nails.
  • Gel polish is available in many different colors for more creative possibilities.
  • Gel polish has no unpleasant odor.

Gel polish disadvantages

  • Gel nails are soft and flexible and therefore more susceptible to damage.
  • Gel polish can often only be removed with a milling machine.
  • Gel polish only dries under an LED lamp, so you need specific accessories.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of BIAB?

BIAB benefits

  • BIAB bends effortlessly with your nails. That means less chance of cracks and breaks.
  • BIAB is a primer and base in 1.
  • BIAB cares for and strengthens natural nails.
  • BIAB nails, if applied correctly, last up to 4 weeks.
  • BIAB gives a shiny and natural result.
  • BIAB has no unpleasant odor.

BIAB disadvantages

  • The result is influenced by your own nails. For weaker nails it is advisable to use a Primer and Base Coat.
  • Long extension is not possible with BIAB. BIAB nails can be extended up to 2 mm.
  • BIAB adheres less well to the edges.

Who is the winner?

The differences of both products are well balanced against each other. The advantage that stands out is the fact that BIAB stays on longer than Gellak. On the other hand, Gellak is easier to apply.

We believe that there is no winner. A nail product is almost always a personal preference. That is why it is important that you look closely at your own nails and wishes. Do you prefer a natural look and do you find health very important? Then BIAB is something for you.

If you have any questions or can't figure it out? Please contact us and we will give you a detailed response.
